ZODOR INFRA provides solutions to businesses and corporations ranging from real estate and immoveable assets including bonds and machinery, balance sheets, equities and tradeable commodities like prec
Fajr App is your companion to wake up for Fajr prayer on time. Featuring offline access, various wake-up challenges, Qibla direction and home screen widget, you will always keep track of your prayers
Fajr Calendar helps you seamlessly fit prayer times into your busy workday. It syncs with your calendar to adjust reminders, ensuring you never miss a prayer while staying on top of your tasks.
InsightGenie's eKYC solution, which uses advanced digital footprint analysis for accurate identity verification. It emphasizes creating detailed user profiles based on online behaviors and detecting f
InsightGenie’s innovative recruitment process, which uses AI, machine learning, and behavioral science to assess candidates' suitability for specific roles. It provides insights into candidates' chara
InsightGenie’s AI-powered credit assessment solution, which uses alternative data and machine learning to evaluate creditworthiness. It enhances risk assessment, reduces default rates by 30-50%, and i
The Video ID Verification Solution offers real-time, agent-assisted verification, facilitating a smooth and efficient onboarding experience. Whether utilized on-premises or through a web-based platfor